

12/2024 - Now

LACi Logo

E-Human Capital Reload

Employee Mobile Application

Full Stack

  • Accomodate more than 7 main functionalities for employee to use, which includes paid leave, sick permit leave, regular permit leave, glasses accomodation, hospital stay, hospital care, and others
  • Develop authentication using JWT Token and integrate with the last system and credential used
  • Develop CI/CD using Docker and utilising Gitlab features for improving the team development flow

07/2024 - 12/2024

LACi Logo


Administration System of Learning Center

Full Stack

  • Monitoring system for over 100 training events per year
  • Participants and file manager for each training events, also equipped with monitoring system for administrator
  • Budget monitoring system with dynamic type of budgets and budget details
  • Dashboard training with query based filtering
  • Certification monitoring system for over 2000 employees
  • Guidebook for the website usage

10/2023 - 01/2024

Recruiter Assistant

Decision Support System for Recruitmen

Thesis Project for Infomatics Engineering ITS 2024

Full Stack

Decision Support System for Recruitment on RuangKarir Double Track UsingSimple Additive Weight (SAW)and Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) methods. This decsision support system (DSS) is used to help recruiter with filtering for employee candidate where the system can help determine the best candidate based on criteria or sub-criteria weight specified by the recruiter.

  • SAW method is based on the weight each criteria or subcriteria that is specified by the recruiter
  • AHP method is based on importance or priority of each criteria and subcriteria with other criteria or subcriteria

09/2022 - 10/2022



DevOps internship on developing the "System for Determining Blood Clot Volume in Deep Vein Thrombosis based on Three-Dimensional Ultrasound Images"

  • Developing CI/CD for the backend and frontend utilising Github Actions and Docker
  • Configurate web server using Nginx on Digital Ocean Platform

05/2022 - 06/2022


Facial Skin Advicer

Capstone Project Bangkit 2022


Face Scanner Application to help analyze early stage facial problem and provide recommendations for related beauty medicines to help overcome these facial problems.

  • Integrate the model used to identify facial problem with the mobile Application using RESTful API (HapiJS)
  • Deploy the backend RESTful API and the model using App Engine from Google Cloud Platform

Made with Love


Prabu @ 2025